June 04, 2014

We've moved!

If you follow Morning Coffee, don't forget to visit our new site at karolygmolina.wordpress.com and sign up for email notifications!

Happy reading!

May 16, 2014

We've moved!

Hello! We have moved to a new platform! Please follow the link and sign up to receive emails with the blog posts! Happy reading :)

Morning Coffee

May 08, 2014

Teacher Appreciation

Teaching is by far one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I learned so much that no post could possibly include everything. I learned from my students, coworkers, administrators and from the program I worked with. I learned about teamwork, perseverance, passion, theatre, literature, friendship, loyalty and fun. I learmed to listen. I learned to learn. 

I will always be baffled by the bad reputation of the best career anyone could possibly have. I truly look up to the men and women who put this bad criticism aside, the poor pay and any chance of a life outside of work to work with our future, with the students that will be our leaders, doctors, lawyers, bankers, dentists, soldiers, business men and women, and hopefully a few, teachers.

This video is for my friends and colleagues with whom I share the same passion.

TED Talk: What teachers make